Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Our southeastern neighbors have done it. They've decided to turn their entire police force into and immigration agency. If the governor signs this bill into law, what it will mean is no less than open season for crimes against immigrants. Undocumented workers, here trying to make a living and escape the drug violence in Mexico, will feel too intimidated to report any crimes to the authorities. As if a young woman who has just been raped doesn't have enough fear of reporting the crime, now she'll never do it, thinking that if she does, she'll just be sent back to Mexico where, in the nearby state of Chihuahua around 300 young women disappear every year. So where will they turn to for protection? I'm guessing to organized crime. I'm betting that drug cartels, the very people responsible for so much violence, will quickly enter the 'protection' racket and extort the poor for their 'services'. So, the drug runners will grow even more powerful. 
I've heard there all calls to boycott Arizona. I don't know what kind of shape such actions would take, but I'll definitely be looking into it. Huh, divestment from Arizona. It might really teach them if all the latinos, immigrants and citizens, just left the state.
Let's just hope the governor decides to veto the bill.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So I was watching a recent Daily Show last night and Jon was talking about how Obama wants to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in our arsenal. Then he showed a clip where Sean Hannity and Newt we stating glaring falsehoods about the details of the new START treaty. I guess this is nothing new, though the amazing starkness of their lies continues to shock me at times, but this morning I saw an older middle aged woman at the gym reading one of Hannities books and I thought to myself, how can one subject themselves to such mindless drivel? So I've resolved to read some of their books. Maybe one by Hannity, one by Beck, and I should probably throw in some Coulter. I don't know how far I'll get in this endeavor before I wretch and give up, but maybe I can learn a bit about their thinking. Oh and don't worry, there is no way in the world I'll be buying any of these books. Maybe I'll steal them, or get them from the library. But stealing seems the better option here.